Sarnika A The Positive Side of Social Media
Talk to us about the good that comes with social media? Through social media, you can actually learn a lot. You can make new connections, and find a place of welcoming and belongingness with others. On social media, especially on Instagram, you can scroll through your feed and find different informative posts that talk about practically anything that you’re interested in. You can also meet a lot of new people, and you can make connections with people that aren’t even near you. You can make a lot of lifelong friendships and relationships through just your phone.
Can you talk to us about the importance of real life and life off of social media? I think it’s important that people realize that as much time as you spend on social media, you do have a life outside of it. You do have hobbies and clubs and activities. You have sports, you have people that are directly in front of you. Not everything has to be off the screen of your phone or your laptop. Sometimes it’s okay to be outside and get fresh air and to take a couple of minutes away from staring at the same screen.
Is there any specific apps for the promotion of positive mental health? Like any kind of social media sites? I think Instagram would probably be the best bet. I know that Instagram is also considered one of the more negative ones, but I think you can learn a lot through Instagram by searching up informational posts and topics on anything you’re interested in. I know personally for me, I didn’t even get more into learning about mental health or attachment style or anxiety and depression until I was on Instagram, and I realized that now, although I do spend a lot of time on my phone when I probably shouldn’t, more of it is learning information about mental health rather than doing things such as mindlessly scrolling about others.